Protecting Your Computer from Viruses - Revolution Networks

Protecting Your Computer from Viruses

Protecting Your Computer from Viruses

With hackers and programmers becoming more proficient with creating viruses and trojans that can cause millions of dollars in damages, it is more important than ever to ensure your systems security is top-notch and your computer is protected from viruses. While it used to be limited to the challenge of destroying operating systems or wreaking havoc, cyber-crime has evolved to include identify theft, financial fraud and other serious losses. In a cyber-crime report prepared by Norton in 2011, 431 million victims worldwide lost 388 billion dollars combined due to cyber-crime.

When investing in antivirus protection for your systems there are some key things to look for. In order to remain effective, antivirus software must be updated on a regular basis. At the very least this should be done weekly but it can take some time to load the files. Many good programs will automate this process so that is one consideration when purchasing protection. The other factors are the cost and the availability of tech support should a problem arise.

While most people who access the Internet understand the need for antivirus protection, many do not realize the dangers of opening unsolicited emails or downloading programs from unsafe sites. Any emails coming into your site should be scanned by your antivirus software before opening. Your staff needs to be educated not to open any email attachments even if they are coming from recognized addresses, especially if they have been forwarded. User account controls should be set up on your systems so that downloads can only be done by network administrators to avoid infected files from being introduced to your system.

If your systems security is not secure enough and a virus does breach your system, the best way to repair the damage is to remove the virus and replace the infected files with originals that have not been infected. In order to ensure you always have  original files ready to restore your system in the event of a breach, backing up your data frequently is crucial. As an added layer of protection for your backed up information it is wise to consider cloud backup rather than using onsite backup that may be vulnerable to threats.

To ensure your systems security is protecting your vital data and to arrange proper backup systems, contact the experts at Revolution Networks. We offer the computer consulting and services your business needs.

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Neil Witts

As the service manager, Neil Witts oversees daily operations at RevNet and acts as a point of escalation. He is both Microsoft and Cisco certified, achieving MCSE, MCSA, and CCNA accreditations. Neil also holds a degree in information technology from the University of Worchester in the U.K., where he grew up. Throughout his career, he has accumulated nearly 20 years of IT experience in various roles. Neil has used his educational background, professional experience, and hardworking mindset to establish a successful IT career, and he joined RevNet in July 2017. He is regarded as a crucial member of the management team.

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